Cargo crane failure – Incident investigation and repair survey 克令吊断臂事故的原因调查和修理检验

mooring offshore buoy and platform

Hull fouling inspection 船体海生物污底检查

mooring offshore buoy and platform

Cruise ship steering gear system failure investigation and repair survey 豪华邮轮舵机失效事故的调查和修理检验

Bow thruster breakdown – Damage inspection and repair survey 侧推器损坏的检查和修理检验

mooring offshore buoy and platform

Steel casting defect dispute – Dispute investigation and repair survey 铸钢件缺陷的纠纷调查和修理检验

mooring offshore buoy and platform

Main bearing damage – Inspection and repair survey 主轴承损坏的检查和修理检验