Stern tube bearing damage – Inspection and repair/renewal survey 尾管轴承损坏的检查和修理/换新检验

mooring offshore buoy and platform

Ice damage – Inspection and repair survey 船体在冰区航行时的损坏检查和修理检验

mooring offshore buoy and platform

LPG carrier cargo leaks – Leaking treatment including temporary repairs and STS operations etc. 液化天然气船货舱泄漏的处置,包括临时修理和船对船过驳等

Grounding and oil Pollution from fuel storage tanks – Accident management 船舶搁浅油舱泄漏的处置

mooring offshore buoy and platform

Fire in container ship cargo hold – Accident investigation and assessment and repair survey 集装箱船货舱火灾事故的调查,评估和修理检验

mooring offshore buoy and platform

Main engine damage – Inspection and repair survey 主机损坏的检查和修理检验
